Then I said to them, “You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach.” -Nehemiah 2:17

From Yeshua, to the Beloved of My Heart, How I have been enjoying our times together.

From Yeshua, to the Beloved of My Heart,

How I have been enjoying our times together. You have so little idea of My power that flows to you and through you when you spend even a little time with Me in prayer. That’s because you have so little concept of THE POWER (Ha G’vurah) that I AM. I AM called THE POWER because all power has its source in Me. Think about this for a moment My cherished friend – before time began there was nothing, NO THING! But by the power of My Word I created. I created light. Imagine that! Just the breath from My mouth required to say, ”Let there be light.” and It happened! Oh Beloved friend, that was such fun! Whom do you know or have ever heard about who can equal that power?

So I kept on going. With just a word (a breath) I created water and sky and dry land. Then all the plant life, with just a breath, a spoken word – and every kind of grass and flower and shrub and tree erupted into existence – in a day! Again, My dearest friend, whom do you know or have ever heard of who could just say the name of every kind of plant ever in existence, not to mention all the intricacies that make up the multitude of similarities and differences in each species, and it would be? Who could have all those intricate concepts in their head all at once let alone speak such wonders in one day? For man, Impossible! But for Me, Ha G’vurah – nothing is impossible! And behold – My most beautiful heavenly body was created in all its perfection and almost ready for habitation ……. and I was glorified!

But first I desired multitudes of heavenly bodies of all sizes and shapes and colors – an endless array of them! So I breathed again, forming the words and lo! – a sun and a moon to complement My magnificent earth, then uncountable, unseeable by man, other stars and planets to surround my lovely little blue planet ……. and the expanse of the universe was established – and I was glorified!

Just take a minute right now, beloved one, and dwell on the power of My Word. Think of the power I have placed in much of My creation. Dwell for a few moment on the power in a raging fire, a blistering sun, a ferocious wind, unstoppable rain or snow – that’s power!!! Dwell on such power, My beloved. Whom do you know or have ever heard of who could speak into existence one flame, one breath, one drop of water out of nothing?

So after preparing all these things for my own good pleasure I was ready to fill the seas, the skies, the land with living creatures – creatures beyond the imagination of mere man – some breathtakingly beautiful, some plain but practical, some whose appearance and antics I created just to make Me laugh in delight. And when I was finished I looked and said, “Ah, that is good!” But the most magnificent I saved for last. I desired a creature that I could communicate with, have a relationship with, and entrust My power to. I CREATED YOU, BELOVED OF MY HEART, IN MY IMAGE!!! And in you, My bride, is the purpose of this letter – that you might more fully understand the power of your prayers.

Sweet, precious, delight of My heart, if I care so much for one little blade of grass, the flutter of a hummingbird’s wings, just one breath of every living thing I have created, how much more do I care for you and the desires of your heart?

We have talked before about the power of praise, thanks and worship and My Holy Presence being continually activated within you. Now come, sit for a moment with Me and think about all that power that I AM, and My Spirit, that Power, will dwell within you constantly when you decide to choose Me as your Lord. And if you haven’t done so already now is as good a time as any to do so.

We’ve talked about the power of My love for you. It was for love I created all that I created. Nothing is more powerful than My love. When you communicate with Me, desire of My heart, it is impossible for Me not to respond to you. When you choose Me and I declare you righteous in My sight your prayers yield much fruit and benefit you and others greatly. My favor overflows from My Heart to yours – and everything from My Heart is saturated in power!

There is power in your prayers, beloved, (inconceivable power to you) because you have chosen to have relation with Me as your Lord. My power is available to you through the Presence of Ruach Ha’Kodesh, My Holy Spirit living in you. Dwell a little on My Name, Ha G’avlah – THE POWER, that you might recognize the fullness of the fruitfulness of My power in your prayers.

Til we touch base again in My next letter,
I AM THE POWER in your prayer life.
I AM your Beloved and you are Mine



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