Then I said to them, “You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach.” -Nehemiah 2:17

Beloved of My heart, Good morning. This is Yeshua, Jesus to many. Do you have a few minutes?…

Beloved of My heart,

Good morning.    This is Yeshua, Jesus to many.  Do you have a few minutes?  May I come in and tell you how desperately in love with you I AM?  I’ve been knocking on your door, waiting for you to come and open it, eagerly anticipating this moment so We can share Our thoughts and Our hearts with each other.  That’s what prayer is all about – SHARING!  You share your hopes and desires and needs with Me and I share My abundant outpouring of supply to you.

I know you often wonder about the supply (or answer) I send you –it may seem so far removed from what you actually discussed with Me.  But when we talk and you pour out your heart to Me and end by saying, “I want your will for Me, Yeshua, not my way”, that’s exactly how I answer you.  (Remember, that’s what happened just before I hung on the cross for you, I said, “Not My will, Father, but Your will.”  (The immediate results weren’t the greatest for Me by any means, but look how awesome it turned out in the end for you!)  My desires for you are always far superior to what you believe you need at any given moment.  I can always give you what seems best to you but your perceptio is based on what has been and are now your experiences.  But I see to the end of your journey here on earth, and when you permit Me I give you the best of answers.

Remember, a very long time ago I told you, “Because you love Me ….. and know My Name ….. you will call upon Me and I shall answer you.”  Sometimes it’s hard for you to recognize My voice because your mind is so full of the things of this world.  It’s difficult for you to hear Me over the din and clamor of daily commitments.  You think I’m not paying any attention to you when in fact it’s the other way around.  There are so many things I want to share with you – so many things about Me that you don’t know, things that would bless your socks off, things that would have your mind reeling in awe and wonder.  You think you know so much about Me because you have spent much time studying and memorizing My Word – but that doesn’t mean you “KNOW” Me, only that you know “SOME” things “ABOUT ME”.  My dearly beloved bride, you can have a wealth of “head knowledge” about Me and My Word but if you don’t have a “HEART RELATIONSHIP” with Me your head knowledge is next to useless.  It’s only through “BEING WITH ME” that you learn to love me. (Even Satan has “head knowledge” of Me, and that more than you could ever acquire in this life)  The more you are with Me the more you love Me. (I see to that!)  The more you love Me the more you are able to love those I put in your path.

COMMUNICATION, beloved of My heart, COMMUNICATION is the KEY.  Communication with Me is ALWAYS prayer.  PRAYER IS THE KEY THAT UNLOCKS EVERY DOOR.  I AM the Door – you have the key!  Talking with Me is always prayer, be it praise or worship, or petition or thanks or intercession or sharing your sorrows and pains, your joys …… Prayer is so simple, My treasure, My bride.  The closer your relationship is to Me the more powerful are your prayers.  Prayer is in the spirit realm.  I am Spirit.  You are spirit, It is our spirits that need to connect.  That can only happen when you “shut off the world” and come and seek Me.  You shall ALWAYS find Me when you seek Me.  Be persistent with Me.  Don’t quit asking.  Don’t doubt My ability and My desire to answer your requests.  Persistence goes hand-in-hand with trust.  “Persistent prayer is the bedrock of answered prayer.  Particularly the persistent ‘thank you’, Yeshua, thank you, Jesus.  You can never say that too often.  I can never hear it often enough.  (Remember the ten lepers who were healed and how My heart broke because the nine called by My Name didn’t return to say “thank You”?)

Soooo …..  let’s try a little exercise, starting now, till we get together again:

In how many situations today can you say, “Thank You, Yeshua”?   “oops, I didn’t spill the …..”  “ I didn’t get offended ……”  “Wow! A parking spot …..”  “I found my …..”  These are just starters – and in the beginning, My sweet bride, COUNT THE WAYS!    By the time three weeks, 21 days, have passed people should see a change in your countenance.  You will notice a change in your heart.  I just can’t resist, “Thank You Yeshua!”  Watch how I bless, and bless and bless.  Three weeks of “thanks.  WOW!!!  What do you have to lose, My joy, My treasure, My bride?  Three weeks ….. give it a try!

Til next time, My delight,

I AM your Beloved and you are Mine.

Yeshua, aka, Jesus


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