Then I said to them, “You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach.” -Nehemiah 2:17

“In the name of Jesus”…. Do you really understand?

This is Yeshua, your All-in-All,

….in the name of Jesus….  How many times, my precious one, do you begin or end your prayers that way?  That is what I desire you do, of course (I told My apostles to do just that the last time we had supper together, shortly after I had washed their feet.)  But do you understand the significance of that little phrase “….in My Name…?”  It is one thing to hear or read something and another thing to understand it.  Such is the case with My Name.  Let Me tell you just a little about Who and what I AM.

My Name is:                                                                                                                              

  •         Above all names
  •         The ultimate Power
  •         The source of all grace
  •         The way of salvation
  •         Wisdom
  •         Truth
  •         For the glory of the Father
  •         I AM
  •         Mediator
  •         Lamb and Lion
  •         Healer, Judge, Righteousness, Holy, Peace, Lord, Sanctifier, Provider, Bridegroom, Lover, etc.          

These are but as a few grains of sand on a beach where each grain represents a facet of My Name.  Every need, every desire you could possibly conceive is covered by My Name.  I love it when you call me by name.  With or without My Name I hear and answer your earnest prayers the same.  But when you call Me by Name or Title I feel a little more loved by you – that’s the intimacy of lovers.  You bless My heart!

 My bride, lover of My heart, it is through My Name that the power of Ruach Ha’Kodesh (Holy Spirit – remember?) moves and works for your benefit.  It is through My Name that the authority given to Me by the Father when I was here on earth is activated in you.  It is through My Name that you were given both the command and the authority over all the power of the enemy – to cast out the unclean spirits, to heal all kinds of sickness and disease and so much more …. to do all and even greater things than I have done. 

Think about that, My dearly beloved!  Think about that!!!  Right now!  Take a moment to dwell on what I AM saying to you.  This is an amazing truth!  I HAVE GIVEN YOU AUTHORITY TO CALL ON THE POWER OF MY NAME IN ANY GIVEN SITUATION YOU MAY FIND YOURSELF – FOR YOUR BENEFIT OR FOR THE BENEFIT OF OTHERS, AND AS YOU HEAR AND BELIEVE I ANSWER YOU!!!  My beloved, My bride, no one on this earth has that authority except those of you who receive Me as LORD and are called by My name – no one!  Remember from My last letter, My name is Ha G’avlah, The Power!

So, delight of My heart, if you are not already doing so, begin to search the magnitude of My Name.  In My Name you shall find every desire of your heart, your love for Me shall increase by leaps and bounds as you daily discover the many facets of who I AM.  I eagerly await revealing Myself to you!

I AM your Beloved and you are Mine,

Yeshua, aka, Jesus





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