Then I said to them, “You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach.” -Nehemiah 2:17

How often is your heart weary and heavy…

Beloved of My Heart,

How often is your heart weary and heavy and uncertain of the events yet to come?  Why do you worry, My bride?  Have I not commanded you again and again not to worry about anything – yes, I tell you ANYTHING!  Instead, pray – that is the answer – simple – PRAY!  Pray about EVERYTHING.  Tell Me what you need and desire.  AM I not the one Who clothes the flowers in breathtaking array?    Do I not supply food for all I have created?  Do I not supply the sun for warmth and the rain for drink – and all that for creatures that can’t respond to Me with gratitude?  How much more then shall I, with great joy, array with the needs and desires of their hearts those who diligently seek Me?   So I repeat ….. Pray about everything.

Talk to Me about your needs and your desires (which I already know).   It delights My heart when you take time to humbly ask.  After all is said and done, I and I alone am able to meet all your needs and the desires of your heart.  After you have asked – immediately – thank Me.  Yes My bride, My friend, THANK ME……….BEFORE you have received, thank Me.  Trust Me.  Have faith in Me.  Don’t doubt in your heart My ability to hear and answer you (and don’t forget to ask according to My will for I may have something better for you than you can think of on your own).

This is a prayer so dear to My heart – when you believe that I hear you and answer you just because you love Me.  After you have asked Me and thanked Me, then remember some of the blessings I have already sent your way.  You have no idea how asking prayers, coupled with thankful prayers, delight My heart!  If you did you’d never cease asking and thanking Me.  Oh how I delight to give good gifts to you, My friend, My bride!

Beloved of My heart, you have no idea of the multitude of people throughout the generations who never thank Me for anything – NEVER!  Only a few, a tiny remnant, ever take the time to thank Me.  Most don’t even know that I AM the one who daily gives them breath.  But for those of you who glorify Me by  thanking Me, to you not only do you receive answers but I give to you an added, unexpected gift – I give you My peace.  You begin to experience that indescribable peace that only I can give.  That PEACE of the Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha’Kodesh, that is like an insulation for you between the spirit of heaviness and Me. Every time you thank Me for what you do not yet have (that’s living in My Hope) You increase in living in oneness with Me.  I AM PEACE!  You have no peace apart from Me.

I AM the Guardian of your heart.  I keep your name ever before your Father in Heaven.  As you abide in Me My Love abides and flows through you so abundantly that suddenly you are aware there is no room for worry or anxiety – only My Loving Peace.  With or without the fulfillment of your request and desires you wait in perfect peace.

So come, My beloved, right now, and spend a few minutes with Me.  Tell Me the desires of your heart. Remember the past answers I have already sent to you.  Be of good cheer! Walk in hope! Know of My perfect faithfulness!  Experience MY unconditional, unbounding love!  Cast worry and anxiety to Me and I shall scatter them throughout the four winds!!!   I shall replace your cares and tears with joy and laughter.  I AM able!  I can do it!  I will do it!

I am the Beloved of your heart and you are Mine.

Yeshua, your Jesus

Based on Phil. 4: 6-9



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